Orange-crowned Warbler (OCWA)

location description date comments
Home Front yard to right of dog yard 2024‑06‑07
Home None 2023‑05‑29
Home Birch tree next to feeders 2020‑08‑18
Front 40 (64.892, -147.879) Near new trail and road 2020‑05‑25
Home Side five 2020‑05‑25
Home Around deck railing 2019‑08‑17
Front 40 (64.892, -147.879) Top of a spruce next to the road 2016‑05‑22
Home Near deck 2013‑06‑08
Tanana Lakes None 2013‑05‑24
ABR (64.912, -147.933) Off deck 2011‑06‑07
Front 40 (64.891, -147.865) Birch tree next to trail 2011‑06‑05
Front 40 Birch stand 2011‑05‑24
Home Flew across dog yard 2011‑05‑20
Home In trees near bus, Dog Island 2010‑05‑20
Home Near the new shed 2009‑05‑30
Home Alder near slough 2008‑05‑31

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